
In this quick demonstrative video, we take a look at how to identify good vs bad shocks.

Shock Absorbers play a critical role in the overall safety and road-handling capabilities of your car. Unfortunately, shock absorbers do have a limited lifespan and need to be replaced from time to time.

If left un-check and un-changed when damaged further costly harm damage can be done to your vehicle’s suspension components and tyres.

Which is something we would like to help you in avoiding at all costs (excuse the pun). With that in mind, we would like to invite you to bring in your vehicle for an OBLIGATION-FREE and ZERO-CHARGE shock absorber assessment!

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We cater to all makes and models of cars, SUVs, and bakkies, regardless of the manufacture year. We are RMI certified and boast a 5-Star MIWA rating so you know we’re the experts you can trust! πŸŒŸπŸ†Β 

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